8.18.11 – Episode 179 : Back To The Con!
Show Notes – Time for the third and final installment of our SDCC 2011 recap! Sit down with some satay and join us for a Toy Break!
Toy Break Stuff
- Tofu The Vegan Zombie Contest – win a Tofu the Vegan Zombie figure from Applehead Factory by drawing your version of something Tofu would eat and post it on the forum! Runner up will receive a Tofu shirt (size L)! Deadline is August 31st
- Toy Break Poster – 11″ x 17″ poster featuring art by Charles Marsh (aka Monsterforge) – $5 + $2.50 shipping or $10 + $2.50 shipping for one signed by all four of us including Charles!
SDCC Recrap